Useful information
There are no ATMs in Jericoacoara! While you can pay by card in some restaurants and shops, this does not apply to all of them. Its highly recommended to get some more cash out, on arrival at Fortaleza airport (1st floor). Travellers Checks are not accepted in Jeri.
Temperature and sun safety:
Bring plenty of SPF 30+ and 50+ suncreams as there is a limited selection in Jeri and what there is, is very expensive.
The air temperature is always around 32°C (26°C at night) and water temperature is around 27/28°C.
Clothing for the kitesurf lessons:
A longsleeve rashvest is recommended.
Bring sunglasses and kitesurfglasses if you have them!
Of course you are getting both Items as well in our Kiteshop!
Ensure you passport has at least 6 month left on it till expiry.
If you want to rent your own buggy, you will need to bring a valid drivers license.